*           ARDF N1b  2023 Västerås                               *
*           144 MHz, Söndag 23 April                              *
*                                                                 *
*           Västerås Radioklubb  i samarbete med SSA                     *

Competition: 23-04-2023   from 10.00
Band/Limit: 2-m-band / 120 min
Competitors: Com+Hlp

C h r i s t i a n   E n b e r g     -

    Place 21   with a run time of 30'00 min   and 1 foxes

Route >2560mSequenceS--5--F
Run times15+15 min
Run route> 2560 m
min. distance> 4430 mS-4-5-3-2-1-F ( )
Time stamp
Founded before(-),
within(x), after(+)
transmit cycle
Sum run time
Start10:00:00   0'00
Fox 510:15:000'00 15'00
Finish10:30:00 30'00

Fox-to-Fox run times in the category

Fox >> FoxDistanceCom.(StNo) Min. RtAverage RtMax. RtEnberg, Christian
S >> 51280 m3(18)  15'00 32'42 41'55 15'00
5 >> F1280 m2(18)  15'00 35'58 56'56 15'00

The results in the category

PlNameClubCallTotal RtFoxSequenceRun timesRoute
18.Lenander, BoVRKSM5CJW86'474S-4-5-2-1-F30+15+17+14+10>3530m
19.Svensson, GunnarSRJSM0668994'594S-4-5-2-1-F24+17+22+19+13>3530m
20.Palmqvist, JanVRKSM5FUG96'004S-5-4-2-1-F41+08+23+14+09>3950m
21.Enberg, ChristianLOK-30'001S-5-F15+15>2560m
22.Eriksson, LeifBRJSM4HNG98'511S-5-F42+57>2560m

Organizer: Västerås Radioklubb i samarbete med SSA